Sunday, July 29, 2018






原文作者:Shimizu Kumiko
譯者: 奈勻




推薦序∣成為「快速高效自學者」,持續翻新進化個人價值    張國洋
推薦序∣大人開始學習,讓自己擁有拒絕的能力                    蔡志雄

4 唯有開心學習,才能親手開拓光明人生

CHAPTER 1∣這樣做,「學習」絕不失敗
2 無效學習者的通病
7 別當「專業學生」,即使不熟,也要輸出

CHAPTER 2∣「學習」變「收入」的四大步驟

CHAPTER 3∣神速進行!高效率Catch-Up

CHAPTER 4∣「一天輸入三本書」的讀書術
4 善用便利貼,找出關鍵字

CHAPTER 5∣準備將技能與知識提升至「獲利」等級
2 製作「圖表」,讓學習系統化

CHAPTER 6∣提升學習效率與成效的駭客式學習



作者:林達.葛瑞騰 , 安德魯.史考特追蹤作者

譯者: 許恬寧


人人活到一百歲.然後呢? /陳亮恭

導讀 長壽影響不是特例,每個人都得面對

第一章 長壽是禮物還是詛咒?
連Google 也加入老年防治醫學

第二章 財務規畫:延長的工作人生

第三章 職場就業模式的轉型

第四章 無形資產:無價的事才重要

第五章 活出不同的自我:各種長壽情境組合
吉米3.0 版人生
吉米3.5 版人生
吉米4.0 版人生
珍5.0 版人生

第六章 活愈久,愈要創造可能性

第七章 理財能力與自我的主動性

第八章 善用時間:從休閒娛樂到人生再造

第九章 人際關係與個人角色的定位

結語 「我們」必須推動改革

作者的話 一起打造百年壽命





Sunday, July 15, 2018


村上 萌(むらかみ もえ、1987年8月16日 - )は、日本のライフスタイルプロデューサー。血液型はA型神奈川県横浜市出身。夫はサッカー選手都倉賢

基本データ: プロフィール, 生年月日 …

むらかみ もえ
村上 萌プロフィール生年月日1987年8月16日現年齢30歳出身地 日本神奈川県血液型A型公称サイズ(時期不明)身長 / 体重cm / ― kg活動備考 他の活動ライフスタイルプロデューサーモデルテンプレートカテゴリ











初代Miss FOREVER21


村上萌のCutie Party




4月18日『ズームイン!!サタデー』5:30 - 8:00 日本テレビ系


11月8日『王様のブランチ』11:59 - 14:00 TBS系


1月17日『セレクションX』2:35 - 3:10 テレビ朝日系


12月4日『よふかしゴーちゃん。』2:27 - 2:41 テレビ朝日系

8月15日『ブロサー』1:51 - 2:21 テレビ朝日系

6月27日『ブロサー』1:51 - 2:21 テレビ朝日系


8月26日『ズームイン!!SUPER』5:20 - 8:00 日本テレビ系



伊藤 春香(いとう はるか、1986年1月22日 - )は、ブロガー・作家。別名:はあちゅう。神奈川県川崎市出身。慶應義塾大学法学部政治学科専攻卒業。在学中に香港大学へ留学。内縁の夫はAV男優のしみけん。

基本データ: ペンネーム, 誕生…

伊藤 春香
(いとう はるか)ペンネームはあちゅう誕生1986年1月22日(32歳)
 神奈川県川崎市職業ブロガー・作家国籍 日本ジャンル著作家デビュー作『さきっちょ&はあちゅう恋の悪あが記Super edition』(2005年)配偶者しみけん (AV男優)公式サイトはあちゅう主義。はあちゅう(伊藤春香)公式ブログ ウィキポータル 文学テンプレートを表示



2009年に電通に入社し、コピーライターとして勤務したのち、2011年にトレンダーズに転職。催眠術師資格を保有している。2011年より同社にてドクターエステ・コスメ専門サイト「キレナビ」の編集長をしていたが、 2013年12月のサイブリッジ社へのキレナビ事業の売却にてその後動画プロモーションサービス「Tubers Channel(テューバーズ・チャンネル)」担当ならびに「ウーメディアチャンネル」パートナー・マネージャーを務めた。2014年9月に退職後はフリーとして、執筆活動や講演活動を行っている。






『はあちゅうの 20代で「なりたい自分」になる77の方法(伊藤春香)』 PHP研究所、2008年。ISBN 978-4569703572。

『わたしは、なぜタダで70日間世界一周できたのか?(伊藤春香)』 ポプラ社、2009年。のち幻冬舎文庫(「はあちゅう」名義)

『アドガール 大手広告代理店新人日記(伊藤春香)』 主婦の友社、2011年。ISBN 978-4072770320。

『自分の強みをつくる (U25サバイバル・マニュアル)(伊藤春香)』 ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン、2012年。ISBN 978-4799312056。

『恋愛炎上主義。』 ポプラ社、2014年。ISBN 978-4591140314。

『半径5メートルの野望』 講談社、2015年。 のち講談社文庫(完全版)

『かわいくおごられて気持ちよくおごる方法』幻冬舎 2015

『就活・転職でもやもやしたら読む本』ゴマブックス 2015

『無所属女子の外交術』監著 KADOKAWA 2015

『とにかくウツなOLの、人生を変える1か月』KADOKAWA、2016年。ISBN 978-4041042274。

『疲れた日は頑張って生きた日 うつ姫のつぶやき日記』マガジンハウス 2016

『真夜中にシュークリーム』毎日新聞出版 2016

『言葉を使いこなして人生を変える』大和書房 2017

『通りすがりのあなた』講談社 2017

『「自分』を仕事にする生き方』幻冬舎 2017.12.20発売


『さきっちょ&はあちゅう 恋の悪あが記』 中川早紀共著、ライブドアパブリッシング、2005年。ISBN 978-4779400025。

『小さな野心を燃料にして、人生を最高傑作にする方法』村上萌共著 ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン 2016


幻冬舎plus「東京いい店 やられる店」







スッキリ!!(2015年3月31日 - 2016年3月22日、日本テレビ) - ゲストコメンテーター(火曜日)



モーニングCROSS(TOKYO-MX) - ゲストコメンテーター


フィアット・500X (2015年 日本公式サイト)

10X People -500Xのスタイルを体現する10の生き方- vol.2 Xpressive 表現

はあちゅうのラジオごっこ(2018年 Voicy)

人生最高の恋愛を手にする方法(2018年 Himalaya)



経沢 香保子(つねざわ かほこ、1973年(昭和48年) 4月23日 - )は、日本実業家2000年トレンダーズ株式会社を創業し、2012年に当時の女性最年少上場を果たした。尾崎友俐が創立した「女性起業塾」も一時期主宰した(2017年まで)。2018年現在はベビーシッターのマッチングサービスを行う株式会社キッズライン代表取締役

基本データ: 生誕, 別名 …

つねざわ かほこ

経沢 香保子生誕1973年4月23日(45歳)
千葉県松戸市別名岡本 香保子(婚姻時)出身校桜蔭中学校・高等学校
慶応義塾大学職業経営者著名な実績トレンダーズやキッズラインの創業。女性企業塾の運営。受賞IVS 2015 Spring Launch Pad 優勝、ベストマザー賞




その後、2014年中にベビーシッターマッチングサービス「キッズライン」を運営する株式会社カラーズを設立し、代表取締役に就任。翌年、IVS 2015 Spring Launch Padで優勝。サービスと会社名を一致させるため、2016年8月19日に株式会社キッズラインへ社名を変更した。


2015年 - IVS 2015 Spring Launch Pad 優勝

2018年 - ベストマザー賞(経済部門)。



『自分の会社をつくるということ』ダイヤモンド社、2005年、ISBN 4478733015

『日記ブログで夢をかなえる』ダイヤモンド社、2006年、ISBN 4478733384

『経沢香保子の夢を叶える読書術』ゴマブックス、2006年、ISBN 4777105334

『ミリオネーゼの起業入門―8ケタ稼ぐ女性に学ぶ起業前にするべきこと』ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン、2006年、ISBN 4887594321

『白いスーツで内定を 「誰も教えてくれなかった」女子大生就職読本』ゴマブックス、2007年、ISBN 978-4777105434

『ブログ・イベントで女性をトリコにするマーケティングのコツ32』ゴマブックス、2007年、ISBN 978-4777106608

『自分らしい人生を創るために大切なこと』ダイヤモンド社、2012年、ISBN 978-4478703519

『自ら上場した会社を辞め、41歳で再び起業したシリアルアントレプレナーの挑戦『ベンチャー魂は消えない』』、Kindle版、ASIN B019WLLO16

『すべての女は、自由である』ダイヤモンド社、2016年、ISBN 978-4478068625


『5年後働く自分の姿が見えますか?』、角川書店〈角川oneテーマ21 C-253〉、2013年、ISBN 9784041105474


トレンダーズ株式会社 編『夢を実現した わたしの仕事 わたしの方法』ダイヤモンド社 2006年、ISBN 4478733058

女性起業塾 編『ゼロからでも夢がかなう起業の教科書 女性起業家20人に学ぶ「自分らしく成功する生き方」』ゴマブックス、2008年、ISBN 978-4777108374


パトリシア・アバディーン『メガトレンド2010 新しい資本主義をつくる7つのトレンド』ゴマブックス、2006年、ISBN 4777104214


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Janella Monae

Janella Monae
Janelle Monáe Robinson(/dʒəˈnɛl moʊˈneɪ/; born December 1, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, actress, and model. She is signed to her own imprint, Wondaland Arts Society, and Atlantic Records. After her first unofficial studio album, The Audition, she publicly debuted with a conceptual EP titled Metropolis: Suite I (The Chase), which peaked at number 115 on the Billboard 200in the United States.

Quick facts: Born, Residence …

Janelle Monáe

Monáe in December 2016

BornJanelle Monáe Robinson
December 1, 1985(age 32)
Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.ResidenceAtlanta, Georgia, U.S.Occupation




record producer



Years active2003–presentMusical careerGenres



psychedelic soul





Bad Boy


Associated acts

Big Boi


of Montreal



In 2010, Monáe released her critically acclaimed first full-length studio album The ArchAndroid, a concept albumsequel to her first EP. It was released by Bad Boy Records and reached the number 17 spot on the Billboard200.Monáe featured as a guest vocalist in "We Are Young" by fun., which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, her first appearance in the chart. In August 2012, Monáe became a CoverGirlspokeswoman. Her second studio album, The Electric Lady, was released in September 2013, to critical acclaim. In 2016, Monáe had roles in two feature films, Hidden Figures and Moonlight.
Monáe's third studio album, Dirty Computer, was released on April 27, 2018, preceded by the singles "Django Jane", "Make Me Feel", "I Like That", and "Pynk". Monáe has received six Grammy Awardnominations.

Early life

There was a lot of confusion and nonsense where I grew up, so I reacted by creating my own little world. [...] I began to see how music could change lives, and I began to dream about a world where every day was like anime and Broadway, where music fell from the sky and anything could happen.

– Monáe on her childhood musical inspiration

Monáe was born in Kansas City, Kansas, and was raised in its working-class community Quindaro. She is the daughter of a janitor mother and a truck driver father, Michael Robinson Summers. She dreamed of being a singer and a performer from a very young age, and has cited the fictional character of Dorothy Galefrom The Wizard of Oz as a musical influence.
She moved to New York City to study drama at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, attending a performing arts camp called Freedom Theatre, the oldest African-Americantheatre in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[clarification needed][when?]After moving to Atlanta, Georgiain 2001, she met OutKast's Big Boi, and then founded the Wondaland Arts Society with some like-minded young artists. She released her first EP The Audition in 2003. Reportedly limited to only 400 physical copies, it showcased her vocal abilities and unique Metropolisconcept that would also figure in her future releases. The CD album itself is extremely rare in its original compact disc format, and as such is a valuable collector's item.
Monáe later appeared on OutKast's album Idlewild, where she is featured on the songs "Call the Law" and "In Your Dreams". Big Boi told his friend Sean Combsabout Monáe, whom at the time Combs had not yet heard. Combs soon visited Monáe's MySpace page and according to a HitQuartersinterview with Bad Boy RecordsA&R person Daniel 'Skid' Mitchell, Combs loved it right away: "[He] loved her look, loved that you couldn't see her body, loved the way she was dancing, and just loved the vibe. He felt like she has something that was different – something new and fresh."Monáe signed to Bad Boy in 2006. The label's chief role was in facilitating her exposure on a much broader scale rather than developing the artist and her music, because in the words of Mitchell, "She was already moving, she already had her records – she had a self-contained movement." Combs and Big Boi wanted to take their time and build her profile organically and allow the music to grow rather than put out "a hot single which everyone jumps on, and then they fade because it's just something of the moment".


2007–11: Beginnings and The ArchAndroid

Monáe performing at the Austin Music Hall in 2009
In 2007, Monáe released her first solo work, titled Metropolis. It was originally conceived as a concept album in four parts, or "suites", which were to be released through her website and mp3 download sites. After the release of the first part of the series, Metropolis: Suite I (The Chase) in mid-2007, these plans were altered following her signing with Sean Combs's label, Bad Boy Records, later in the year. The label gave an official and physical release to the first suite in August 2008, which was retitled Metropolis: The Chase Suite (Special Edition)and included two new tracks. The EP was critically acclaimed, garnering Monáe a 51st Annual Grammy Awards Grammynomination for Best Urban/Alternative Performance for her single "Many Moons",festival appearances and opening slots for indie pop band of Montreal. Monáe also toured as the opening act for band No Doubton their summer 2009 tour. Her single "Open Happiness" was featured in the 2009 season finale of American Idol. Monáe told MTV about her concept for her new album and also discussed her alter-ego named Cindi Mayweather, she said:

Cindi is an android and I love speaking about the android because they are the new "other". People are afraid of the other and I believe we're going to live in a world with androids because of technology and the way it advances. The first album she was running because she had fallen in love with a human and she was being disassembled for that.

In a November 2009 interview, Monáe revealed the title and concept behind her album, The ArchAndroid. The album was released on May 18, 2010. The second and third suites of Metropolis are combined into this full-length release, in which Monáe's alter-ego, Cindi Mayweather – also the protagonist of Metropolis: The Chase Suite – becomes a messianic figure to the androidcommunity of Metropolis.Monáe noted that she plans to shoot a video for each song on The ArchAndroid and create a film, graphic novel and a touring Broadway musical based on the album.The Metropolisconcept series draws inspiration from a wide range of musical, cinematic and other sources, ranging from Alfred Hitchcockto Debussy to Philip K. Dick. However, the series puts Fritz Lang's 1927 silent film Metropolis, which Monáe referred to as "the godfather of science-fiction movies", in special regard. Aside from sharing a name, they also share visual styles (the cover for The ArchAndroid is inspired by the iconic poster for Metropolis), conceptual themes and political goals, using expressionistic future scenarios to examine and explore contemporary ideas of prejudice and class. Both also include a performing female android, though to very different effect. Where Metropolisandroid Maria is the evil, havoc-sowing double of the messianic figure to the city's strictly segregated working class, Monáe's messianic android muse Cindi Mayweather represents an interpretation of androids as that segregated minority, which Monáe describes as "... the Other. And I feel like all of us, whether in the majority or the minority, felt like the Other at some point."
Monáe received the Vanguard Award from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers at the Rhythm & Soul Music Awards in 2010. Monáe covered Charlie Chaplin's Smileon in June 2010. In an NPR interview in September 2010, Monáe stated that she is a believer in, and a proponent of, time travel.Monáe performed "Tightrope" during the second elimination episode of the 11th Season of Dancing with the Stars on September 28, 2010. Monáe performed at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awardsin 2011 alongside artists Bruno Mars and B.o.B; Monáe performed the synth section of B.o.B's song "Nothin' on You" and she then performed her track "Cold War" with B.o.B on the guitar and Mars on the drums. Their performance received a standing ovation.
Her single "Tightrope" was featured on the American Idols LIVE! Tour 2011, performed by Pia Toscano, Haley Reinhart, Naima Adedapo, and Thia Megia. Monáe was featured in fun.'s hit single, "We Are Young" and also performed an acoustic version of the song with lead singer Nate Ruess, and the band.

2012–14: The Electric Lady and other projects

Monáe was also featured on "Do My Thing" for Estelle's sophomore studio album, All of Me. In June 2012, Monáe performed two new songs, "Electric Lady" and "Dorothy Dandridge Eyes" – from her then-upcoming sophomore studio album, The Electric Lady – at the Toronto Jazz Festival. In July 2012, for the second year in a row, she appeared at the renowned North Sea Jazz Festival in Europe as well as in the 46th edition of the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on the 14th.
In August 2012, Monáe was chosen as CoverGirl's newest spokeswoman. In September 2012, Monáe performed at CarolinaFest in support of President Obama, just before the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. In October 2012, Monáe starred in a commercial for the Sonos Wireless HiFi home audio system, and appeared in a Sonoscommercial in 2012 with Deep Cotton. Boston City Council named October 16, 2013 "Janelle Monáe Day" in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, in recognition of her artistry and social leadership.
Monáe's first single from The Electric Lady, "Q.U.E.E.N.", featuring Erykah Badu, premiered on SoundCloudand made available for download purchase at the iTunes Store on April 23, 2013."Q.U.E.E.N." garnered 31,000 digital sales according to Nielsen Soundscan with the accompanying music video gaining four million YouTube views within its first week of release. In her 2013 interview with fuse, Monáe states that "Q.U.E.E.N." was inspired by conversations she shared with Erykah Badu about the treatment of marginalized people, especially African-American women, and the title is an acronym "for those who are marginalized"; Q standing for the queer community, U standing for the "untouchables", the first E standing for "emigrants", the latter standing for "excommunicated" and N standing for "negroid".Thematically, The Electric Ladycontinues the utopian cyborg concepts of its predecessors, while presenting itself in more plainspoken, introspective territory in addition to experimenting with genres beyond conventional funkand soul such as jazz ("Dorothy Dandridge Eyes"), pop-punk ("Dance Apocalyptic"), gospel ("Victory") and woozy, sensual vocal ballads ("PrimeTime", featuring Miguel). The album features guest appearances by Prince, Solange Knowles, aforementioned Miguel and Esperanza Spalding with production from previous collaborator Deep Cotton (a psychedelic punk act) and Roman GianArthur (a soul music composer), and was released to critical acclaim on September 10, 2013.
On September 14, 2013, Monáe performed along with Chic at the iTunes Festival in London. On September 28, Monáe performed at the Global Citizens Festival in Central Park alongside Stevie Wonder. Monáe performed as the featured musical guest on Saturday Night LiveOctober 26 with host Edward Norton.
Janelle Monáe performing at Way Out West in Gothenburg, Sweden on August 8, 2014
Her voice is heard as veterinarian Dr. Monáe in the movie Rio 2, released in the U.S. on April 11, 2014, and her song "What Is Love" was featured on the soundtrack. In April 2014, Monáe was invited to perform along with Tessanne Chin, Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, Jill Scott, Ariana Grande, and Melissa Etheridgeat the White House as a part of their PBS-broadcast "Women of Soul" event, which celebrated American women artists whose work has left an indelible and profound impact on American national musical culture. She performed "Goldfinger", "Tightrope", and joined in on the all inclusive performance of "Proud Mary".
On April 14, 2014, Monáe was the recipient of the inaugural Harvard College Women's Center Award for Achievement in Arts and Media for her achievements as an artist, advocate and feminist.She tweeted earlier that day, "Headed to #Harvard to meet the beautiful ladies in the Women's Center. Can't believe I'm the honoree today. Just So thankful". She was also recognized as the 2014 Woman of the Year by the Harvard College Black Men's Forum at their annual Celebration of Black Women gala.
In mid-2014, Monáe had an interview with Fuse where she teased a follow up to The Electric Lady. "I'm working on a new, cool creative project called 'Eephus'", she said. "It's a big concept and you're not going to see it coming. It'll just land."Later in 2014, Monáe was featured on Sérgio Mendes' latest album, Magic. She sings on the track titled "Visions of You".

2015–2017: New deal with Epic Records, The Eephus, Moonlightand Hidden Figures

In February 2015, Monáe along with Epic Records and its CEO and chairman L.A. Reidannounced that Monáe's independent label Wondaland Arts Society has signed a "landmark joint venture partnership" to revamp the label, now known as Wondaland Records, and to promote the artists on the label. Jem Aswad of Billboard called Monáe a "mini-mogul" because of the deal and revealed that "the partnership will bow in May with a 5-song compilation EP called The Eephus, including tracks from rapper Jidenna[...], Roman, St. Beauty, Deep Cotton and Monáe herself." With this move, Monáe has become one of the few black women who run their own independent record label in conjunction with a major record label.
In late March 2015, Monáe released the single "Yoga" from the album The Eephus.
In mid-2015 Monáe attended various fashion events including London Fashion Week and the 2015 Met Gala. She began collaborating with Nile Rodgersfor a new Chicalbum and Duran Duran for the album Paper Gods, their first album in over five years, and their single called Pressure Off.
On August 14, 2015, Monáe, alongside the body of her Atlanta-based Wondaland Arts Society collective, performed her protest song "Hell You Talmbout", that raised awareness of the many black lives that were taken as a result of police brutality, with lyrics such as "Walter Scott, say his name. Jermaine Reid, say his name. Philip White, say his name...Eric Garner, say his name. Trayvon Martin, say his name…. Sandra Bland, say her name. Sharondra Singleton, say her name." She also gave a speech about police brutality after her performance on NBC's Today Show, "Yes Lord! God bless America! God bless all the lost lives to police brutality. We want white America to know that we stand tall today. We want black America to know we stand tall today. We will not be silenced…"
Monáe in 2016
By March 15, 2016, First Lady Michelle Obamaproclaimed that she had assembled a collaborative track featuring vocals from Monáe, Kelly Clarkson, Zendaya and Missy Elliott, alongside production credit from pop songwriter Diane Warren and Elliott, titled "This Is for My Girls". The iTunes-exclusive record will be used to both coincide with Obama's Texan SXSW speech and to promote the First Lady's third-world educational initiative "Let Girls Learn".
In October 2016, Monáe made her big screen acting debut in the critically acclaimed film Moonlight, alongside Naomie Harris, André Holland, and Mahershala Ali. Monáe also starred in the film Hidden Figures, alongside actresses Taraji P. Henson and Octavia Spencer; the film was released in December 2016.

2017–present: Dirty Computerand continued acting

While filming her two movie roles, Monáe remained active in music with features on Grimes' "Venus Fly" from her Art Angels albumand also the soundtrack for the Netflix series The Get Downwith a song titled, "Hum Along and Dance (Gotta Get Down)". She was also on the tracks "Isn't This the World" and "Jalapeño" for the Hidden Figuressoundtrack.
In an interview with People, Monáe revealed that she was already working on her third studio album when she received the scripts for her two first acting roles; therefore, she put the album on hold. She also revealed in the interview that she would be releasing new music sometime in 2017,although by the end of the year no album or single was announced. On February 16, 2018, Monáe revealed her third studio album, entitled Dirty Computer, through a teaser video released on YouTube.The album will be accompanied by a narrative film project, and the teaser video aired nationwide in select theaters prior to screenings of Black Panther.Monáe recently held a series of "top-secret" listening sessions in Los Angeles and New York in support of the album. On February 22, 2018, Monáe released "Make Me Feel" and "Django Jane" as the first two singles from Dirty Computer, both accompanied by their respective music videosand announced that the album would follow on April 27, 2018.After "Make Me Feel" was released, Monáe confirmed that Prince, who she previously collaborated with, helped her with the album. She stated in an interview with BBC Radio 1: "Prince was actually working on the album with me before he passed on to another frequency, and helped me come up with some sounds. And I really miss him, you know, it's hard for me to talk about him. But I do miss him, and his spirit will never leave me."
It was announced in May 2017 that Monáe would appear in an anthology series based on the work of Philip K. Dick titled, Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams that premiered on Channel 4 in the UK and on Amazon Video in the US. Monáe appears in the episode "Autofac". It was also announced that Monáe had secured a role in the feature film The Women of Marwen by filmmaker and screenwriter Robert Zemeckisalongside Steve Carell and Leslie Mann.
On April 27, 2018, Monáe released a sci-fi film companion "emotion picture" to her new record Dirty Computer.


Musical styles and influences

The Telegraphpublished an interview with Monáe, talking about her first studio album, in which the journalist Bernadette McNulty said, "I begin to worry for a moment that Monáe may not just be a humourless science-fiction nerd, but actually an android herself, created in a laboratory as a super-musical cross between James Brown, Judy Garland, André 3000 and Steve Jobs, invented to test the desperate incredulity of music journalists." She also compared Monáe to artists such as Annie Lennox, Lauryn Hill, and Corinne Bailey Rae.Her musical styles have been described as "a soaring orchestral trip enlivened with blockbuster vocals, mysterious imagery and notes of Sixties pop and jazz".The Guardian has noted some of her influences as: Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Prince, Outkast, Erykah Badu, James Brown, Grace Jones, Stevie Wonder, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Bernard Herrmann, Funkadelic and the Incredible String Band.Matthew Valnes likens her dancing style in the music video for "Tightrope", to that of James Brown. In an opinion piece for The Quietus,John Calvert places Janelle Monáe within the Afrofuturismmovement, pointing out her similarities to Sun Ra and George Clinton. He asserts that Janelle Monáe is innovating the genre. Monáe has stated that she has an alter-ego named Cindi Mayweather who according to Monáe is from the year 2719.In her first EP she gave her alter-ego a back-story stating that she was on the run after breaking the law in her home town of Metropolis by falling in love with a human named Anthony Greendown. Monáe explained about Cindi, saying "The Archandroid, Cindi, is the mediator, between the mind and the hand. She's the mediator between the haves and the have-nots, the oppressed and the oppressor. She's like the Archangel in the Bible, and what Neo represents to the Matrix." In her second album, Cindi Mayweatherreturned to Earth to liberate Metropolitans from the Great Divide, an oppressive oligarchy that used time travel to "suppress freedom and love". Chris Champion of The Observerdescribed Metropolis and The ArchAndroidas "psychedelic soul with a sci-fi twist".Matthew Valnes describes Monáe as innovating a more contemporary Neo-Afrofuturism, where her android role is used as a tool to critique the representation of Black female musicians in the funk genre. Funk music of 1960s through 1980s is a prevalent music style influencing Monáe. On the website for Moná

1960s through 1980s is a prevalent music style influencing Monáe. On the website for Monáe's Wondaland Arts Society Collective, they assert "We believe there are only three forms of music; good music, bad music, and funk."Monáe has also referred to herself as a "funkstress".
Monáe's roots in Kansas City, Kansas, where she was born and raised, are evident in her lyrics and style. According to Carrie Battan's Pitchfork feature on Monáe, the song "Ghetto Woman" directly addresses Monáe's working-class K.C., Kansas mother – as well as the portrayal of working-class black women in U.S. culture – with the line "Carry on, ghetto woman, even when the news portrays you less than you could be." Monáe also told the London Evening Standardthat she has internalized her KCK (K.C., KS) roots by wearing the working-class uniform of her parents and expressing concern that she cannot let "her community down". On her album The ArchAndroid, especially in songs like "Cold War" or "BabopbyeYa", Monáe relates "the dystopian cityscapes depicted in Metropolis to the boarded-up projects of poverty-wracked Kansas".Kansas City, therefore, represents not only Monáe's physical roots within her hometown, but also serves as an important influence on her lyrics and science-fictional setting.

Public image

I feel like I have a responsibility to my community and other young girls to help redefine what it looks like to be a woman. I don't believe in men's wear or women's wear, I just like what I like. And I think we should just be respected for being an individual.... I've been in Vogue, now, and different publications, which is cool, because I think that it just shows a different perspective of how women can dress.

– Monáe, on her image and artistic freedom

Monáe's signature style is her tuxedo wardrobe. She said "I bathe in it, I swim in it, and I could be buried in it. A tux is such a standard uniform, it's so classy and it's a lifestyle I enjoy. The tux keeps me balanced. I look at myself as a canvas. I don't want to cloud myself with too many colors or I'll go crazy. It's an experiment I'm doing. I think I want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records." Monáe's signature look harkens back to dandyism.Citing Grace Jones and Josephine Baker as role models, Monáe takes the classical 18th-century look in the classical white and black pattern.Monáe's signature look can also be attributed to the early days in her career when she was employed as a maid as she revealed in her 2012 Black Girls Rock! Young, Gifted, and Black award acceptance speech.Monáe has been known to distribute her Ten Droid Commandmentswhich encourages her fans to be individuals.The Telegraphalso commented on her image as an artist saying "Sitting in a grey, airless record company office, this slight, stiff young woman delivers her speech in slow, deliberate tones, utterly expressionless. Dressed in her trademark starched shirt and tuxedo, hair immaculately coiffed, Monáe's face is an opaque mask of perfection: all silken smooth skin, button nose and glassy brown eyes." She has described her tuxedos as being a uniform for her career. She also featured in the "Style 100" of InStyle magazine.

Personal life

During a 2011 interview with London Evening Standard, Monáe said that she "only dates androids", a reference to her musical alter-ego found in many of her songs. She also said, "I speak about androids because I think the android represents the new 'Other'. You can compare it to being a lesbian or being a gay man or being a black woman... what I want is for people who feel oppressed or feel like the 'Other' to connect with the music and to feel like, 'She represents who I am.'" She added that she would talk about her sexual orientation "in due time".In 2013, Monáe stated that she wants both men and women to "still be attracted to [her]" and expressed support for the LGBTQ community.
In April 2018, during an interview with Rolling Stone, Monáe said about her sexuality: "Being a queerblack woman in America—someone who has been in relationships with both men and women—I consider myself to be a free-ass motherfucker." She said that she identified with both bisexualityand pansexuality.



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Main article: Janelle Monáe discography

Metropolis: Suite I (The Chase) (EP) (2007)

The ArchAndroid(2010)

The Electric Lady (2013)

Dirty Computer(2018)



Metropolis Tour (2008)

The ArchAndroid Tour (2010)

Hooligans in Wondaland(with Bruno Mars) (2011)

Campus Consciousness Tour (with fun.)(2011)

Summer Soul Festival (with Amy Winehouse and Mayer Hawthorne)(2011)

The Electric Lady Tour (2013)

The Golden Electric Tour(with Kimbra)(2014)

Dirty Computer Tour (2018)

As a supporting act

No Doubt Summer Tour(2009)

Out My Mind, Just in Time World Tour(2010)

California Dreams Tour(2011)

I'm with You World Tour(2012)

Awards and nominations

Main article: List of awards and nominations received by Janelle Monáe


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External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Janelle Monáe.

Official website

Janelle Monáeon IMDb

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Mara Wilson

Mara Wilson
Mara Elizabeth Wilson (born July 24, 1987) is an American writer and former child actress. Her best known roles include Natalie Hillard in Mrs. Doubtfire (1993), Susan Walker in Miracle on 34th Street (1994), Matilda Wormwood in Matilda (1996), and Lily Stone in Thomas and the Magic Railroad(2000). Since retiring from film acting, Wilson has focused on writing, penning the play Sheeplewhich was produced for the New York International Fringe Festival in 2013 as well as publishing a memoir, Where Am I Now?: True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame(2016).

Quick facts: Born, Residence …

Mara Wilson

Wilson in November 2017

BornMara Elizabeth Wilson
July 24, 1987(age 30)
Burbank, California, U.S.ResidenceQueens, New York, U.S.Alma materNew York UniversityOccupationActress, writerYears active



RelativesBen Shapiro(cousin)


Early life

Mara Elizabeth Wilson was born on July 24, 1987, in Burbank, California. Her father, Mike Wilson, was a television broadcast engineer, and her mother, Suzie Wilson (néeShapiro; deceased), was a homemaker.Wilson's mother was Jewish, and her father is of part Irish descent.She was raised Jewish, and became an atheist when she was 15. She has three older brothers—Danny, Jon, and Joel—and a younger sister, Anna.Political commentator Ben Shapiro is her maternal cousin. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer on March 10, 1995, and died on April 26, 1996, after production on Matilda had wrapped. Accordingly, the film was dedicated to Suzie's memory. After her mother died, Wilson lost some of her passion for acting.



Wilson became interested in acting after watching her oldest brother Danny act. Mara's parents refused to let her act, but they eventually reluctantly agreed to let her go into acting. After acting in commercials for Lunchables, Bank of America, Texaco, and Marshall's, Mara was invited to audition for the 1993 comedy film Mrs. Doubtfireand won the part of Natalie Hillard. This was followed by the 1994 remake of Miracle on 34th Street. In 1994, she had a recurring role as Nikki Petrova on Melrose Placeand played Barbara Barton in the television film A Time to Heal.[citation needed]
Wilson sang "Make 'Em Laugh" at the 67th Academy Awardstelecast on March 27, 1995, with Tim Curry and Kathy Najimy.In 1995, she won the ShoWest Award for "Young Star of the Year". Her performances in those films caught the attention of Danny DeVitowhich led to her being cast as Matilda Wormwood in Matilda. She then went on to star in A Simple Wishalongside Martin Short.
In 1999, she played Willow Johnson in the 1999 Disney Channel television film Balloon Farm.
Wilson auditioned for the 1998 remake of The Parent Trap, but she was considered to be too young for the role.
In 1998 Wilson went to a table reading of What Dreams May Come starring Robin Williams, but she did not get the part.
Wilson appeared in the 2000 film Thomas and the Magic Railroadwas her last feature film. At that point, scripts were being sent to her that she did not have to go to auditions. After Thomas and the Magic Railroad, Wilson retired from acting.
Before taking a 12-year hiatus from acting, she got the script for Donnie Darko but declined to audition for the film.
In 2012, Wilson appeared briefly in one episode of a web seriescalled Missed Connection in the role of Bitty and made special appearances on internet review shows for That Guy with the Glasses — most notably a comedic turn playing an adult Matilda during a review of Matildaby The Nostalgia Chick, Lindsay Ellis. That year, when asked why she quit film acting, Wilson explained: "Film acting is not very fun. Doing the same thing over and over again until, in the director's eyes, you 'get it right', does not allow for very much creative freedom. The best times I had on film sets were the times the director let me express myself, but those were rare."Wilson appeared in the 2015 film Billie Bob Joe was her first feature film in over 15 years.
Wilson has a recurring role on the podcast Welcome to Night Vale as "The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home", as well as her own storytelling show called What Are You Afraid Of?Her goal is to turn What Are You Afraid Of? into a podcast. In 2016, Wilson made a brief return to television by appearing as a waitress on an episode of Broad City. She also voiced Jill Pill, a writer/director anthropomorphic spider, in season 3 of BoJack Horseman.


In May 2013, Wilson wrote an article for online magazine, offering her opinion of the delinquency of some former child stars. As of that year, she works for Publicolor. Her play Sheeple was produced in 2013 for the New York International Fringe Festival. In an interview that December, Wilson stated that her film acting days are over, and that she is instead focusing on writing.

Personal life

Wilson went to the Idyllwild Arts Academy near Palm Springs, California, and graduated in 2009 from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts.While at New York University she appeared in her own one-woman show called Weren't You That Girl?
When Wilson was 12, she was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder.Wilson has struggled with anxiety and depression. In 2015, she teamed up with Project UROK, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to aid teens with mental illness.Wilson appeared in a video in which she talks about the mental illnesses she has experienced, including anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. She also discussed her history with mental illness on Paul Gilmartin's Mental Illness Happy Hourpodcast. She has also been diagnosed with ADHD.
In 2013, Wilson lives in Queens, New York, and is involved with New York storytelling and comedy.
Following the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, Wilson came out as bisexual in solidarity with the LGBT community.
In an NPR interview, Nancy Cartwright stated that a young Mara Wilson was the inspiration for a character's voice on The Simpsonsepisode "Bart Sells His Soul."



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Wilson won a Young Artist Award for her role in A Simple Wishin "Best Performance in a Feature Film Leading Young Actress" and a Young Star Award for Matilda in "Best Performance by a Young Actress in a Comedy Film". She was twice nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor, for Matilda and A Simple Wish.

1995 – ShoWest Award – Young Star of the Year.



Weren't You That Girl?(2009)

What Are You Afraid Of?(2014)


Sheeple (2013)

Where Am I Now?: True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame (2016)


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External links

Mara Wilson Writes Stuff

Mara Wilsonon IMDb

Mara Wilsonat


Interview with Mara Wilson, The Spectrum, Accessed April 10, 2017.

Embeth Davidtz

Embeth Davidtz

Embeth Jean Davidtz (born August 11, 1965) is an American actress. Her screen roles include movies such as Army of DarknessSchindler's ListMatildaJunebugMansfield ParkBicentennial Man, and Fracture, and the television series Californicationand Mad Men. Davidtz spent much of her early life in South Africa.

Quick facts: Born, Occupation …

Embeth DavidtzBornEmbeth Jean Davidtz
August 11, 1965(age 52)
Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.OccupationActressYears active1989–presentSpouse(s)Jason Sloane(m. 2002)Children2


Early life

Davidtz was born in Lafayette, Indiana, while her father was studying chemical engineering at Purdue University. Her parents, John and Jean, later moved to Trenton, New Jersey, and then back to their adoptive South Africa when Davidtz was nine years old.Davidtz has Dutch, English, and French ancestry. She had to learn Afrikaans before attending school classes in South Africa, where her father took up a teaching post at Potchefstroom University. She graduated from The Glen High School in Pretoriain 1983 and studied at Rhodes Universityin Grahamstown.

Debut and early career

Davidtz made her acting debut at age 21 with CAPAB (Cape Performing Arts Board, now known as Artscape) in Cape Town, playing Juliet in a stage production of Romeo and Julietat the Maynardville Open-Air Theatre. Performing in English and Afrikaans, she also starred in other local plays, including Stille Nag (Silent Night) and A Chain of Voices, both earning her nominations for the South African equivalent of the Tony Award.

Her film debut came in 1988 with a small role in South African-filmed American horror Mutator.Shortly after, she won a bigger part in South African short telemovie A Private Life, as the daughter of an interracial couple. Davidtz won a DALRO Award for Best Supporting Actress for her work in the 1990 play Houd-den-bek. For the same play, she was nominated in 1991 for the Esther Roos Award for Best Actress in a Supporting role in Afrikaans film. Steven Spielberg noticed her performance in the 1992 South African film, Nag van die Negentiende and offered her the role of Helen Hirsch in Schindler's List.

Hollywood career

Davidtz had a central role in the fact-based film Murder in the First(1995), followed by the Merchant Ivory production Feast of July (also 1995). In Matilda(1996), a feature based on Roald Dahl's children's fantasy, she played the role of Miss Honey, the grade-one teacher of the title character.

In 1998, Davidtz played a theologian helping Denzel Washington crack a supernatural wave of crimes in the mystery drama Fallen and a femme fatale linked to Kenneth Branagh in Robert Altman's take on a previously unused John Grishammanuscript, The Gingerbread Man. The following year, Davidtz portrayed a 19th-century woman of the world in Patricia Rozema's reworking of the Jane Austencomedy Mansfield Parkand played a dual role opposite Robin Williams in the futuristic fable Bicentennial Man.
A supporting role in the film adaptation of Bridget Jones' Diary (2001) saw Davidtz play Natasha, a colleague and one of the love interests of Mark Darcy (Colin Firth). That year, she began her run on the CBS drama, Citizen Baines, playing the daughter of a defeated United States Senateincumbent (James Cromwell) who is herself leaning towards a career in politics. Other roles included horror thrillers like 2001's Thir13en Ghosts. In 2002, she appeared in the Michael Hoffmandrama, The Emperor's Club, which co-starred Kevin Kline and Emile Hirsch.
In Junebug(2005), Davidtz played an outsider art dealer from Chicago brought to North Carolinaby her husband (Alessandro Nivola) to meet his family for the first time. Davidtz has also guest-starred on the hit ABC drama series Grey's Anatomyas Dr. Derek Shepherd's sister Nancy in the Season 3 episode "Let the Angels Commit". In 2008, she had a regular role on HBO's In Treatment as Amy, part of a fractious couple alongside Josh Charles's Jake.
She portrayed the unfaithful and unfortunate wife of Anthony Hopkins's character in the 2007 drama Fracture.
From 2009 to 2012, she played Rebecca Pryce, wife of Lane Pryce, in the hit AMC television show Mad Men.She also played Felicia Koons, the wife of the dean and the mother of Becca's best friend, Chelsea, on Showtime's Californication.
Davidtz played Annika Blomkvist in David Fincher's adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. She also appeared in Marc Webb's Spider-Man reboot The Amazing Spider-Man as Peter Parker's mother Mary, who vanished under mysterious circumstances along with Peter's father Richard.

Personal life

Davidtz married entertainment attorney Jason Sloane on June 22, 2002, and has two children. Davidtz has a younger sister who is a psychologist at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

In an interview regarding her guest appearances on Ray Donovan, in which she portrayed a breast-cancer survivor, Davidtz revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013, which had caused her to stop working and for which she underwent a mastectomy.The role was Davidtz's first after undergoing treatment, and when informed that it required nudity, Davidtz worked with producer David Hollander to incorporate her partially-reconstructed right breast into the story, turning down the use of a prosthetic as a substitute for her right nipple that was due to be restored through surgery."Somebody might not believe it if an actress pretended to have their nipple gone and said, 'Look, I'm still sexual and pretty.' But when it's real, I hope it makes someone feel beautiful. I still feel beautiful," said Davidtz regarding the message she wished to convey by taking the role.



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